„A municipality analyses its current cycling policy with the help of “BYPAD”. Within this process the community gets to know reference examples and an action plan is being established. Thereby municipalities in Salzburg have been given an impulse on promoting its cycle traffic, and numerous measures from different sectors are being implemented. The communication between politics, administration and cyclists is as well very helpful for the participants. The federal state of Salzburg also supports the BYPAD-process financially. I can highly recommend this audit to municipalities who want to improve their cycle traffic.“
„The diagnosis and the action plan are the product of genuinely collaborative effort. It proves there is a consensus as far as both the goals and the means of cycling policy are concerned. I am convinced that the action plan laid out has a really strong mandate and will be successfully implemented.“
„BYPAD gives us many good tips for different ways of solving problems.“
„By dealing with the questionnaire, I was inspired to see and review our work from a different perspective. From the contents of the question-answer catalogue I was able to get many suggestions for the future.“
„Sitting around a table to reflect on local cycling policy is one of the benefits of BYPAD. The exchange of ideas and experiences with other cities is crucial for the successful implementation of BYPAD in one's own city.“
„It is a good idea to integrate the health effects of cycling into our cycling policy. I will definitely make contact with my colleagues in the Environmental Office.“
„BYPAD helps us to take a long-term view of the future, to make the necessary resources available and also to subject the current policy to a critical evaluation. BYPAD is not a superfluous luxury for cities that are serious about bicycle traffic.“
„A problem can only be solved if one is aware of it. In addition, promotion and reinforcement of eco-friendly bicycle traffic in regions and municipalities is to a great extent dependent on the fact that those responsible in politics and administration recognize which parameters are essential to achieve a high proportion of bicycle traffic and where specific calls for action are required. BYPAD supports this target-orientated approach and offers a good anchoring within municipalities and regions respectively, through a participatory approach. Bicycle traffic is thematized and brought to attention - an optimal prerequisite for a successful bicycle traffic policy.“
„BYPAD - yes, please! I can highly recommend this audit to all communities which want to increase their cycling rate. I am pleased that we have four very well-trained BYPAD-Auditors in Upper Austria and hope that the communities will engage this offering.“