There is a tool for this purpose.
It is called BYPAD (Bicycle Policy Audit) and was developed by an international consortium of bicycle experts as part of an EUfunded project. It is based on international Best Practice methods and provides an overview of the applied measures and structures in local cycling policy.
Cities, Towns and Regions, but also countries, can evaluate the quality of their cycling policy themselves with BYPAD by using a strengths and weaknesses analysis. Simultaneously, they receive concrete suggestions on how they can improve their cycling policy in future.
The entire quality chain is examined, which consists of 9 modules. Each module is assigned to one of the five BYPAD development levels. Together they reflect the quality level of the cycling policy in a town, city, region or country. Based on the identified development levels, an action plan is prepared.
BYPAD considers cycling policy as a dynamic process, in which the nine thematic fields constantly evolve and influence each other (see figure).